Something that irritates me more than ANYTHING at the moment are people who DON'T WATCH THINGS BECAUSE THEY'RE TOO "MAINSTREAM"!
Oh my god, I'm about to blow up.
It's happened TWICE NOW! In only a year. For gods sake people.
Gangnam style WAS and IS a great song. Yes, we're all tired of it, yes yes yes, I do understand, BUT it ISN'T MAINSTREAM FOR GODS SAKE! It's DIFFERENT!
Mainstream is what's the new trend. when one "style" gets old, a new one is reborn, a mainstream person is someone who jumps from trend to trend so that they fit in with the rest of the crowd. Mainstream is being what society thinks you should be, and look like.
(CR@Urbandictionary on: Mainstream)
AND WOOOH! The world are introduced to the Norwegian talk show hosts and GREAT comicans, Ylvis. Two brothers who look nothing alike, the oldest look like the youngest and they're both mighty handsome.
THE FOX, you have ALL probably heard it. Some of you are TIRED of it. It's NOT mainstream, because, THE FOX IS DIFFERENT! Get. it. in. your. heads.
I'm Norwegian, I love Ylvis, I watch their show twice a week. My family loves Ylvis, me, my sister and her boyfriend have watched Ylvis twice a week for three years. And we love them.
Ylvis and old news in Norway, everybody knows who they are, some like them, some don't. The Ylvis brothers like to be different than everybody else, so, they made a song about a fox!
The day everybody in the world walk around in Kigurumis/Character costumes, I'll delete this post and bend to your... wishes. But until you all do that, I'll stand my ground on what I believe is mainstream.
Ylvis has been awesome for 10-15 years, and they're still awesome.
(I hope this doesn't offend you in any way, I'm just adressing something that has bothered me a lot the past 2-3 weeks. Maybe you have a different view on what's mainstream, I don't care, really.)
Now, let's all just enjoy this picture of Shim Changmin jumping naked over a couch.
Just wanna announce that in October, I'll try to blog everyday, or at least three times a week or more.
Always keep the faith~
Don't message me about this post, I won't be answering anything at this moment. Just read it if you like, and forget it if you didn't agree with me.